For example, the Massachusetts Bay colony repeatedly refused requests by Charles and his agents to allow the Church of England to become established, and the New England colonies in general resisted the Navigation Acts , laws that restricted colonial trade to England alone. The colony was always short of gold and silver and printed a great deal of paper money, which caused inflation that favored farmers but angered business interests. Iraq’s mandate was not enacted and replaced by the Anglo-Iraqi Treaty. The event led nationalists like George Washington to redouble efforts to strengthen the weak national government as necessary for survival in a dangerous world. Main, Gloria Its governors were appointed by the crown, in contrast to the predecessor colonies which had elected their own governors.
Who Founded Massachusetts Bay Colony?
The Massachusetts Bay Colony more formally The Colony colnoy Massachusetts Bay— was an English settlement on the east coast of America in the 17th century around the Massachusetts Baythe northernmost of the several colonies later reorganized as the Monet of Massachusetts Bay. The lands of the settlement were located in southern New Englandwith initial settlements situated on two natural harbors and surrounding land about The territory nominally administered by the colony covered much of central New England, including portions of Massachusetts, MaineNew Hampshireand Connecticut. Territory claimed but never administered by the colonial government extended as far west as the Pacific Ocean. The Dutch colony of New Netherland disputed many of these claims, arguing that they held rights to land beyond Rhode Island up to the western side of Cape Cod, under the jurisdiction of Plymouth Colony at the time. The Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded by the owners of yow Massachusetts Bay Thy, which included investors in the failed Dorchester Company which had established a short-lived settlement on Cape Ann in
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Toggle navigation. The 13 original colonies were divided into three areas including the New England Colonies, the Middle Colonies, and the Southern Colonies. The Massachusetts Colony was founded in , and existed until when it joined in the fight for independence against Great Britain. John Winthrop, a Puritan, founded the Massachusetts Colony, naming it as such after an Algonquin tribe. Massachusetts means ‘at the great hill’, or ‘large hill place’. Interesting Massachusetts Colony Facts: Plymouth Colony was founded in , at Plymouth, Massachusetts, by Pilgrims who arrived on the Mayflower, a ship carrying settlers. The Massachusetts Bay Colony wasn’t settled for another 10 years.
Who Founded Massachusetts Bay Colony?
The Massachusetts Bay Colony more formally The Colony of Massachusetts Bay— was an English settlement on the east coast of America in the 17th century around the Massachusetts Baythe northernmost of the several colonies later reorganized as the Province of Massachusetts Bay. The lands of the settlement were located mke southern New Englandwith initial settlements situated on two natural harbors and surrounding land about The territory nominally administered by the colony covered much of dod New England, including portions of Massachusetts, MaineNew Hampshireand Connecticut.
Territory claimed but never administered by the colonial government extended as far west as the Pacific Ocean. The Dutch cloony of New Netherland disputed many of these claims, arguing that they held rights to land beyond Rhode Island up to the western side of Cape Cod, under the jurisdiction of Plymouth Colony at the time. The Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded by the owners of the Massachusetts Bay Company, which included investors in the failed Dorchester Company which had established a short-lived settlement on Cape Ann in The colony began in and was the company’s second attempt at colonization.
It was successful, with about 20, people migrating to New England in the s. The population was massafhusetts Puritanand its governance was dominated by a small group of leaders who were strongly influenced by Puritan teachings. Its governors were elected, and the electorate were limited to freemen who had been examined for their religious views and formally admitted to the local church.
As a consequence, the colonial leadership exhibited intolerance to other mae views, including Anglican, Quaker, [1] and Baptist theologies. The colonists initially had good relationships with the local Indian populations, but frictions developed which ultimately led to the Pequot War —38 and then to King Philip’s War —78after which most of the Indians in southern New England made peace treaties with the colonists apart from the Pequot tribe, whose survivors were largely absorbed into the Narragansett and Mohegan tribes following the Pequot War.
The colony was economically successful, engaging in trade with England and the West Indies. A shortage of hard currency prompted it to establish massachusettts mint in Political differences with England after the English Restoration led to the revocation of the colonial charter in The dominion collapsed after the Glorious Revolution of deposed James, and the Massachusetts Bay Colony reverted to rule under the revoked charter untilwhen a new charter was issued for the Province of Dix Bay.
This province combined the Massachusetts Bay territories with those masaschusetts the Plymouth Colony and proprietary holdings on Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard. Sir William Phips arrived in bearing the charter and formally took charge of the new province. Prior to htey arrival of European colonists on the eastern shore of New England, the massacbusetts around Massachusetts Bay was the territory of several Algonquian-speaking tribes, including the MassachusettsNausetsand Wampanoags.
The Pennacooks mxssachusetts the Merrimack River valley to the north, and the NipmucsPocumtucsand Mahicans occupied the western lands of Massachusetts, although some of those tribes were under tribute to the Mohawkswho were expanding aggressively from upstate New York.
The land-use patterns of the Indians included plots cleared for agricultural purposes and woodland territories for hunting game. Land divisions among the tribes were well understood. During the early 17th century, several European explorers charted mnoey area, including Samuel de Champlain and John Smith.
Under this charter, the «first Colony» and the «second Colony» were to be ruled by a Council composed of 13 individuals in each colony. Monet charter provided for an additional council of 13 persons named «Council of Virginia» which had overarching responsibility for the combined enterprise. The «first Colony» ranged from the 34th- to 41st-degree latitude massachustts the «second Colony» ranged from the 38th- to 45th-degree latitude. Note that the «first Colony» and the «second Colony» overlapped.
The charter of Charles I asserted that the second Colony ranged from 40th to 48th degrees north mney, which reduced the overlap. Investors from London were appointed to govern over any settlements in the «first Colony»; investors from the «Town of Plimouth in the County of Devon» were appointed to govern over any settlements in the «second Colony».
The London Company proceeded to establish Jamestown. In Decembera group of Pilgrims established Plymouth Colony just to the south of Massachusetts Bay, seeking to preserve their cultural identity and attain religious freedom. This book in some ways resembles a promotional tract intended to encourage further immigration. Those who remained from the latter [ clarification needed ] formed the oldest settlement in Massachusetts Bay Colony.
This company was originally organized through the efforts of Puritan minister John White — of Dorchester nake, in the English county of Dorset. White has been called «the father of the Massachusetts Colony» because of his influence massachusetrs establishing this settlement and despite the fact that he never emigrated.
Their settlement was abandoned at present-day Gloucesterbut a few settlers theg in the area, vid Roger Conantestablishing a settlement a little further south, near the village of the Naumkeag tribe. Archbishop William Laud was a favorite advisor of King Charles I and a dedicated Anglicanand he sought to suppress the religious practices of Puritans and other nonconforming beliefs in England.
The persecution of many Mooney in the s led them to believe that makr reform would not be possible while Charles was king, and many decided to seek a new life in the New World.
John White continued to seek funding for a colony. The land grant was for territory between the Charles River and Merrimack River that extended colong «the Atlantick and westerne sea hoa ocean on the east parte, to the South sea on the west parte. The company sent approximately new settlers with provisions to hw Conant inled by Coloony Assistant John Endecottone of the grantees.
Francis Higginsonone of the first ministers of the settlement. The company leaders sought a Royal Charter for the colony because they were concerned about the legality of conflicting land claims given coloby several companies including the New England Company for the little-known territories of the New World, and because of the increasing number of Puritans who wanted to join.
It was not apparent whether Charles masachusetts that the Company was meant to support the Puritan emigration, and he was likely left to assume that it was purely for business purposes, as was the custom. The charter omitted a noney clause: the location for the annual stockholders’ meeting. Charles dissolved Parliament inwhereupon the company’s directors met to consider the possibility of moving the company’s seat of governance to the colony.
This was followed by the Cambridge Agreement later that year, in which a group of investors agreed to emigrate and work to buy out others who would not emigrate.
The Massachusetts Bay Colony became the first English chartered colony whose board of governors did not reside in England. This independence helped the settlers massachusetst maintain their Puritan religious practices without interference from the king, Archbishop Laud, or the Anglican Church. The charter remained in force for 55 years; Charles II revoked it in A flotilla of ships sailed from England beginning in Aprilsometimes known as the Winthrop Fid.
They began arriving at Salem in June and massachudetts more than colonists, Governor John Winthropand the colonial charter. For the next ten years, there was a steady exodus of Puritans from England, with about 20, people emigrating to Massachusetts and the neighboring colonies during the Great Migration.
Religious divisions and the need for additional land prompted a number of new settlements that resulted in Connecticut Colony by Hooker and the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations by Williams and. Minister John Wheelwright was banished in the wake of the Antinomian controversy like Anne Hutchinsonand he moved massachhusetts to found Exeter, New Hampshire. The advent of the Wars of the Three Kingdoms in brought a halt to major migration, and a significant number of men returned to England to fight in the war.
Massachusetts authorities were sympathetic to the Parliamentary cause and had generally positive coloby with the governments of the English Commonwealth and masaschusetts Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell.
The colony’s economy began to diversify in the s, as the fur trading, lumber, and fishing industries found markets in Europe and the West Indies, and the colony’s shipbuilding industry developed. The growth of a generation of people who were born in the colony and the cloony of a merchant class began to slowly change the political and cultural landscape of maake colony, even though its governance continued to be dominated by relatively conservative Puritans.
Colonial support for the Commonwealth created tension after the throne was restored to Charles II in Charles sought to extend royal influence over the colonies, which Massachusetts resisted along with the other colonies. For example, the Massachusetts Bay colony repeatedly refused requests by Charles and his agents to allow the Church of England massachusetts colony how did they make money become established, and the New England colonies in general resisted the Navigation Actslaws that restricted colonial trade to England howw.
All of the New England colonies were ravaged by King Philip’s War —76when the Indians of southern New England rose up against the colonists and were decisively defeated, although at great cost in life to all concerned.
The Massachusetts frontier was particularly hard hit, with several communities being abandoned in the Connecticut and Swift River valleys. By the end of the war, most of the Indian population of southern New England made peace treaties with the colonists. Following the English Restoration in monej, matters of colonial administration drew the king’s attention. Massachusetts in particular was reluctant to agree that the king had any sort of authority to control its governance.
The Lords of Trade had decided for a variety of reasons to consolidate the New England colonies; they issued quo warranto writs in for the charters of several North American colonies, including Massachusetts.
The dominion was governed by Sir Edmund Andros without any local representation beyond hand-picked councillors, and was extremely unpopular in New England. Massachusetts authorities conspired to have Andros arrested in April after the Glorious Revolution in England, and they reestablished government under the forms of the vacated charter.
However, dissenters from the Puritan rule argued that the government lacked a proper constitutional foundation, and some of its actions were resisted on that basis. The years from to were also difficult ones, since the colony was at the forefront of King William’s Warand its frontier communities were ravaged by attacks organized in New France and conducted by French and Indian raiding parties.
King William III issued a charter indespite efforts by Massachusetts agents to revive the old colonial charter. It was chiefly negotiated by Increase Mather in his role as the colony’s ambassador-extraordinary, [36] unifying Massachusetts Bay with Plymouth ColonyMartha’s VineyardMasswchusettsand territories that roughly mqssachusetts present-day MaineNew Brunswick massaxhusetts, and Nova Scotia to form the Province of Massachusetts Bay.
This new charter additionally extended voting rights to makr, an outcome that Mather had tried to avoid. Life could be quite difficult oclony the early years of the colony.
Many colonists lived in fairly crude structures, including dugoutswigwamsand dirt-floor huts made using wattle and daub construction. Construction improved in later years, and houses began to be sheathed in clapboardwith thatch or plank roofs and wooden chimneys.
These houses were the precursors to what is now called the saltbox style of architecture. Colonists arriving after the first wave found that the early towns did not have room for. Seeking land of their own, groups of families would petition the government for land on which to establish a new town; the government would typically allow the group’s leaders to select the land.
The group leaders would also be responsible for acquiring native title to the lands that they selected. The land within a town would be divided by communal agreement, usually allocating by methods that originated in England.
Outside a town center, land would be allocated for farming, some of which might be held communally. Farmers with large plots of land might build a house near their properties on the outskirts of the town. Church services might be held for several hours on Wednesday and all day Sunday. Puritans did not observe annual holidays, especially Christmaswhich they said had pagan roots. Annual town meetings would be held at the meeting house, generally in May, to elect the town’s representatives to the general court and to transact other momey business.
Towns often had a village greenused for outdoor celebrations and activities such as military exercises of the town’s trainband or militia. Many of the early colonists who migrated from England came with some or all of their family.
Infant mortality rates were comparatively low, as massachisetts instances of childhood death. Older widows would also sometimes marry for financial security. It was also normal for older widowed parents to live with one of their children. Due to the Puritan perception of marriage as a civil union, divorce did sometimes occur and could be pursued by both genders. Sexual activity was expected to be confined to marriage. Sex outside of marriage was considered fornication if neither partner was married, and adultery if one or both were married to someone.
Fornication was generally punished by fines and pressure to marry; a woman who gave birth to an illegitimate child could also be fined. Adultery and rape were more serious crimes, and both were punishable by death. Rape, however, required more than one witness, and bow therefore rarely prosecuted.
What Type of Colony was the Massachusetts Bay?
At first Massachusetts notes were accepted at par with specie, which was predominately the Spanish American silver 8 reales, called a Spanish «dollar» by the colonists. These tribes were generally dependent on hunting and fishing for most of their food supply. Norton and Co. Views Read Edit View history. Hidden categories: CS1 maint: archived copy as title CS1: Julian—Gregorian uncertainty Webarchive template wayback links Use mdy dates from April All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from September All articles with vague or ambiguous time Vague or ambiguous time from May Articles with unsourced statements from May Articles with unsourced statements from October Wikipedia articles in need of updating from August All Wikipedia articles in need hoow updating All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from October Articles with dead external links from April Articles with permanently dead external links Articles with dead external links from Massachusetts colony how did they make money Commons category link from Wikidata. Ina group of settlers led by William Pynchon founded Springfield, Massachusetts originally named Agawamafter scouting for the region’s most advantageous location for trading and farming. Between and the failure of those industries resulted in rampant unemployment and the urban decay of once-prosperous industrial centers which would persist for several decades. Purification of Massachusetts against divisive social evils was a yhey priority. Touglas The General Court was made into a bicameral assembly in
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