Never give out your password to anyone. Related Articles. Try not to buy and sell to much.
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Updated: August 8, References. When the Kinzcash keeps running out on Webkinz, you’ll be wanting to know how to make a whole lot more of it. In this article, you’ll learn many ways to make money and keep on making it. Random Article. Home Random. We use cookies to make wikiHow great.
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This article has also been viewedtimes. Explore this Article Savvy playing. Daily Activities. Buying and selling. Other ways. Show 4 more Show less Tips and Warnings. Things You’ll Need. Related Articles.
This article has been marked as historical. Method 1 of Log onto Webkinz. This way you’ll be able to do all of the daily events all of the time. When you’re on Webkinz, stay on. Then you’ll be able to get more of the Hourly Events. Never give out your password to.
Write it down somewhere or keep the page you printed out which has your login information in a safe place. If somebody has your account they could spend all your KinzCash and sell all they bought over and over until you barely have any left. Save, save, save your KinzCash. Don’t buy expensive things all the time.
If you don’t buy, you won’t lose any money and you’ll end up with thousands of KinzCash. Don’t buy things you won’t use. This includes books, toys, and other things. If you don’t spend, you save. Don’t waste your money on games for your room.
It is easier just to go to wherever the game is or the Tournament Arena. Don’t send letters to your friends that. You can chat with your friends in the clubhouse, Kinzville park, and lots of other places. Don’t send your friends packages.
Just go to the trading room! The trading room is a great place to hand down your old items because it’s free unlike the Kinzpost and you can get something in return! Method 2 of Check the Today’s Events page. Sometimes it will have an hourly event which will give you some KinzCash. Other times it has things in the W-Shop for sale. Other times it will let you play extra games such as Balloon Dartz, Trivia Blast, or let you get extra spins on the Wheel of Wow, and sometimes gives you an extra Wacky Bingoz ball or a Wacky Bingoz coupon, and sometimes you get to spin other Wheels like the Wheel of Yum, Wheel of Wishes, and Wheel of the Month.
Look on the Today’s Activities page. Sometimes there will be free food, cash, items, or coupons for the W store. These get you Kinzcash, food, furniture. Go to the «Webkinz Care Award» every day and try to fill up the heart.
There are three good reasons to do so: You get free money every day and you get more every day. You get free food every day you do it. If you fill up the heart and do it every day for a week, your name will be put into a drawing.
If you get picked, you get a free exclusive item which you can’t buy. Spin the Wheel of Wow. Do this once a day, or use coupons of an Hourly Event to spin it more than once a day. Normally, this only gives you a small item or a little bit of Kinzcash. But you can do this every day, and the free money will start to add up.
If you do spin the wheel for fifteen days in a row, you’ll get a bonus item, and if you can manage to spin it fifteen times in one day, you get an extra prize. Collect Pixie Pod Seeds from the Daily Activities page whenever possible and use them to play the game. If you win, you get a lot of KinzCash, but if you lose, you just don’t have the seed anymore. Do the Wacky Log Out Carnival. It is guaranteed to get Kinzcash! Often, you can get at least one food item and at least 15 Kinzcash as.
Go to Quizzy’s Question Corner. There are a lot of different questions for different age groups. Answering these will quick and easiest way to make money on webkinz you tons of Kinzcash. You will get lots of food from gardening and you only have to buy it. Method 3 of Do lots of jobs. If you do the same job lots of times and are successful lots of times, you’ll move to the next level and get more KinzCash, but it will be harder. Method 4 of Answer the surveys in the Newspaper.
Go to the newspaper and click contact us, press comments and suggestions, and on the side there’s a survey. You’ll get a quick and easiest way to make money on webkinz KinzCash for it.
Try Alyssa’s star challenge. If you can get enough stars, you can win some pretty cool free prizes that you can sell for Kinzcash.
And, if you get a star that you already have, you can sell it for Kinzcash. Method 5 of Go to the W-Shop and look at the items on sale. Buy items at the Curio Shop with caution. When you’re going to buy something in the Curio Shop, always compare prices with the W-Shop. Sometimes Arte has things on sale, but usually they’re just more expensive. If you can’t find it at the W-Shop, it’s a rare item.
Rare items cost a lot. Be creative with Webkinz Studio and don’t buy everything at one time. For instance, instead of making a cowboy movie in the Wild West play-set, try making a cowboy and the dog in the default character set be cowboys in the park or whatever that is! Then you would only have to buy the cowboy and that’s it.
You will only get back half of what you spent, but it is better than nothing Method 6 of Play tournaments at the Tournament Arena. Do games that you are really good at, and enter the tournaments where you get lots of KinzCash for winning.
Go to the tournament arena and try to win. This will get you loads of kinzcash for playing one game! Whenever a game that you are good at is the game of the day, always play it because you will get easier cash. Go to the arcade. Play the smoothie game.
You will get Kinzcash in the first round. Method 7 of Adopt lots of Webkinz!
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Threads for this page. Share. That’s a good list! I like doing the Calendar Trivia quiick it’s fun! Log onto Webkinz. Go to the Curio shop. Jobs- I always do KinzPost Sorter. RoyalSecret uvs u! There are usually about 5 or 6 of them at a time, so just open multiple tabs every day and click on the videos. I have lost thousands this way! Webkinz World has changed a lot since this article was written. Like Goober’s Lab for me, I’m always winning the tournaments. Qujck never lost. Please enter your email below:.
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