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Why do marines make so little money

why do marines make so little money

Military are not to get food stamps here in Hawaii atleast. I am sick and tired of hearing all these organizations collecting money for the military as if the military were getting scraps for salaries. The first cash award opportunity for enlisting is an enlistment bonus. Generals and admirals with two stars — Maj.

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It doesn’t. Mining is really good cash. You shouldn’t mine iron, tin, copper, or anything like. Mine Coal at the lowest. I would suggest Gold Ore or higher. Gold requires level 40 Mining sells at a good price and is quite quick to .

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why do marines make so little money
Ask a Question. Forums alt. I would like to know the difference between «little money» and «so little money» in the following sentences. I suppose «little money» means «alomst no money», while «so little money» means «only a small amount of money». I would really appreciate your help!

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It doesn’t. Mining is really good cash. You shouldn’t mine iron, tin, copper, or anything like. Mine Coal at the lowest. I would suggest Gold Ore or higher. Gold requires level 40 Mining sells at a good price and is quite quick to. The Crafting Guild is the best spot for mining Gold Ore. Any higher than Gold Ore sells much higher, but takes longer to mine, and is hard to find a good place to mine it.

So stick with Gold Ore at the Crafting Why do marines make so little money Then move on to the better ores like Mith and Addy All Makke Reserved.

The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Multiply. Hottest Questions. Previously Viewed. Unanswered Questions. Asked in Mining. Resources are a provincial matter so mining does not bring money directly to Canada.

Asked in Cheerleading Why does a dallas cowboy mwrines make so little money? Cheerleaders in general do not make much money. It is a glamorous job with little pay. They are told when they are hired, that they probably need to have another job. Asked in Lkttle Why did large mining companies replace individual miners?

Asked in Deforestation and Habitat Loss How does mining cause deforestation? Rainforests are filled with precious minerals e. Asked in Canada Is gold mining important to Canada? Yes gold mining is important to Canada Canada mines many minerals and makes a lot of money doing so minerals.

Asked in Mining Why did you need a mining license? Asked in Mining, Diamonds Why diamonds mining important? Mining or Herbalism with Skinning is a good wgy as you can do both at. Mining and Herbalism you can use at the same time, but you can’t track both at once so it’s a little more tedious. Asked in Mining How much money do you make off diamond mining?

So to answer your question no there is no money glitch go work for it. Asked in GameStop Why does game stop buys people games for a little bit of money? Do you mean like the used game pile? So then they can make money just to sell it a little bit cheaper then regular price but more then the money they payed to the owner of the game originally. Asked in Energy Conservation Why do you need to save money?

Asked in Politics and Government Why have third parties had so little success in the us? Asked in Mining Why do you need a gold mining license? So the govt get more money from u ie fishing licence hunting licence. Asked in Aviation Careers, Pilots aviation Why do pilots make so little money? With aviation, there is always someone willing to do the job for less money. Pilots are there own worst enemies.

They all will accept a low paying job, but complain about the pay. Bottom line is airlines can pay pilots so little just becuase they. It can make very dirty so there is no safe water. If your a non-member. Right now my guy almost has 86 Mining and he gets k each Runite ore. Level Mining, you can go for the money and mine Clay, or go for do level and mine copper.

Level Mining, you can mine Iron for level until levelor you can mine Coal for Mining at level Note: You can mine silver at level 20 Mining for money and Gold at level 40 Mining for money. Level Mining, you can mine in the Mining Guild, so go there and mine, Coal and Mithril ma,e level Level Mining, mine adamant, coal, and mithril until level Asked in RuneScape How do lvl 3 people on runescape get money?

They level up their skills, for the following reasons: Fishing — They level this skill up betwee 40 — 76, so that htis way they can fish lobsters at 40 fishing or sharks at 76 fishing, this skill won’t mzke you combat level just you ability to earn easy money. Trading — Commonly known as «merching». It is possible to buy an item cheap, and sell it more expensive. That way, you can make a lot of money.

You can also lose a lot of money, since it is hard to predict how the market will change. Asked in Economics Why is united states department of commerce and the bureau of economic affairs no longer going to tell the American public why do marines make so little money foreign investors are buying in the llttle states?

Asked in Economic Crisis How did they make lotto? Trending Questions.


Everyone knows the dangers of being in the military. However, lower-ranking enlisted members who live in the barracks are generally required to consume their meals in the dining facility chow hallso the litte of the food allowance is immediately deducted from their paychecks. Members of the Why do marines make so little money Guard and Reserves are also entitled to a housing allowance when on full-time active duty. Food Service Associate. The Marine Corps’ needs are generally higher when the economy is strong because service members have plenty of job prospects in the civilian world, so they leave the service. Some military members receive extra pay, due to the nature of their military job or assignment:. I agree that we should get some kind of noticable raise. Achieving the next higher paygrade, E-7, before serving for 10 years is not unheard of but not guaranteed. This might include anti-air warfare and electronic warfare, which involves taking out enemy air support and enemy ao that endanger U. Soldiers are there to protect people with risking there lives….


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