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Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. Planned Parenthood consists of medical and non-medical affiliates, which operate over health clinics in the U. PPFA is the largest single provider of reproductive health services, including abortionin the U. All three women were arrested [16] [17] [18] and jailed for violating dows of the Comstock Actaccused of distributing obscene materials at the clinic. The so-called Brownsville trials brought national attention and support to their cause.
Planned Parenthood Benefits
My point is, people say PP is in the abortion business. If so, why would they work to prevent pregnancies? Also, I would expect a few prenatal care visits would end up costing someone even if subsidized, somewhere they have to turn a profit more than a the profit they would make on a single abortion. And someone isn’t going to go only for a single prenatal visit. They are going to get multiple at various stages to check on the pregnancy. As far as I can tell, they really make no profit from either. According to their diagram, most of their profit comes from donations, non-government health services revenue, and government health reimbursements and grants.
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My point is, people say PP is in the abortion business. If so, why would they work to prevent pregnancies? Also, Ohw would expect a few doss care visits would end up costing someone even if subsidized, somewhere they have to turn a profit od than a the profit they would make on a single abortion.
And someone isn’t going to go only for a single prenatal visit. They are going to get multiple at various stages mjch check on the pregnancy. As far as I can tell, they really make no profit from. According to their diagram, most of their profit comes from donations, non-government health services revenue, and government health reimbursements and grants. Though at the same time it’s important to point out that the people seeking services at such a facility aren’t really the kind presideent people who believe that having pafenthood when you basically have to rely on charity is a good idea.
So, understandably, abortion happens more often than prenatal care. As far as an ‘abortion facility goes,’ they have one of the worst business models if they’re basing their entire profit on abortion. Contraceptives are their second biggest product, only a few marks below STD testing according to their report.
Not into their abortion services. I doubt they make any money, since they mostly provide low cost health care to uninsured people. From their website:. Planned Parenthood provides more than four million tests and treatments for sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Trending News. Singer falls silent, dies during live performance. Student found dead at Stanford University fraternity. NFL currently ‘won’t allow’ 49ers’ Super Bowl request.
Trump mocks ‘foolish’ plans for NYC mony wall. Robert Kennedy Jr: ‘We’ve destroyed the middle class’. Philip Rivers makes ‘permanent’ offseason. A luxury dish is banned, and a rural county hkw. Who aren’t you? Update: pdxmom, I am sure somewhere these things are subsidized. Answer Save. Rollingliketumble Lv 7. Which makes sense as PP is a low cost non-profit facility. In they gave out 3, kinds of contraceptive. They also tested Stds 4, In other words, they how much money does the president of planned parenthood make performedabortions.
But they gave out over three million forms of contraception and tested for over four million stds. Three percent of all Planned Parenthood health services are abortion services. Hedonism Bot Lv 6. Lets ask this girl and her rapist to educate their child with love and care.
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House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Retrieved April 1, Retrieved February 10, Human Resources HR Generalist. Retrieved July 21, Price a Job for Free. The Daily Jewish Forward. Periodically, pro-life advocates and activists have tried to demonstrate that Planned Parenthood does not follow applicable state or federal laws. From where was all this money coming? Job Title. Negotiate your pay presiden confidence. Retrieved February 11,
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