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How much money does each video make

how much money does each video make

They support the creator of the videos financially and allow them to continue updating their channel with new content β€” but would be unlikely to make someone a ton of cash. While attracting a million viewers may seem like a mission of a lifetime, some folks have been able to reach these enviable viewership figures β€” and are cashing in millions of dollars each year from the videos they post on their vlogs. Viewers come to YouTube looking to either be entertained or for a solution to a problem they face. Partner Links. However, since people hate parting with their hard-earned cash, donations are more commonly used to keep a channel going rather than bring someone high earnings on YouTube. Business Leaders Entrepreneurs.

Estimated Total Earnings by Channel

Is it true that video games alone make more money than the music vidfo movie industry? I remember that I read somewhere that it’s estimated that by video games alone will make over 81 billion dollars and that to this year they make about 61 billion dollars is it true? Please site your sources really need. Magic ball: Yes but video games are generally bought by the middle upper class and up while movies and cds are bought by pretty much every socioeconomic class. And video games can also be downloaded for free you know? Ever mkney of torrents or pirate bay?

Estimated Total Earnings by Channel

how much money does each video make
Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Tube Tycoon Store Page. Global Achievements.

Estimated Total Earnings by Video

Is it true that video games alone make more money than the music and movie industry? I remember that I read somewhere that it’s estimated that by video games alone will make over 81 billion dollars and that to this year they make about 61 billion dollars is it true? Please site your sources really need. Magic ball: Yes but video games are generally bought by the middle upper class and up while movies and cds are bought by pretty much every socioeconomic class.

And video games can also eachh downloaded for free you know? Ever heard of torrents or pirate bay? Well this is all from a youtube guy named Totalhalibut youtube. Also common sense and self knowledge. It takes millions, and I mean millions to make a game, some take 60million, viseo only 20million, some only 5million, but games like CoD, Uow, Star Wars the Old Republic take an average of about 55million. The producers give them the money, such as Marvel making Mame based gamesActivision, DC, so on how much money does each video make so forth.

The Producers also pay for the advertising, such as commercials, billboards. Things like these male things like Avatar items, extra map packs, weapon camos. These sell from hw dollars. Now this is an average, and is less than what very high-end games make, not only because I don’t know how many people buy the game exactly, there could be a million more, they also get paid by retailers such as GameStop, BestBuy, Amazon.

I’m not sure how much they pay for this, maybe a few millions, maybe hundreds of thousands. Also most games have vidso many multiples of DLC, maek 33, x at least 5 for most games, so about total million! Now about 60 games come out a year I mean in the big leaguesso multiplied by 60 million becomes 20,, billion. Now some games make more, some less, plus all the other stuff. So lets estimate about 30billion. More nthan the Music industry? Well I don’t know how much that makes, so.

Well of course the video game industry destroys the music and movie industry. You can just download music for free online and as maek movies, there is Netflix. I started to be a game tester a couple of years ago. Trending News. Cruise line: Video shows man knew window was open.

Social media onslaught after McGregor’s swift win. Florida python hunters wrestle invasive snakes. Duane Chapman: It’s β€˜a lot harder now without Beth’. Experts share what not to do at a funeral. Common not to know of your non-Hodgkin lymphoma? Boy arrested after 4 people killed in Utah shooting. Update: Magic ball: Yes but video games are generally bought by the middle upper class and up while movies and cds are bought by pretty much every socioeconomic class. Answer Save. Magic 8-Ball. Hope I could help.

Phalanx Lv ,uch. Its bigger than Hollywood I can’t find info on movie industry. How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer. Still have questions? Get your answers by asking .

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Marina Mogilko has three YouTube channels: a language channel, a lifestyle channel, and a business channel. Personal Finance. In theory, you can sign up for an Adsense account and enable your channel for monetization from the moment you create a YouTube channel. How much an influencer earns from How much money does each video make AdSense program on a YouTube video depends on a number of factors, from the place in the video where viewers normally drop off to the type of advertisers the video gets. A YouTuber may be approached by a company asking them to review their product. Related Terms Viral Marketing Defdinition Viral marketing seeks to spread information about a product or service from person to person by word of mouth or sharing via the internet or email.


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