All recommendations are based foremost upon a good faith belief that the product, service, or site will benefit car buyers. So, the sale of everything except new cars is the reason that most dealerships make a profit. Privacy Policy. Used Ford. So who typically wins this war of dollars, and how does the dealer actually make any money? You have to remember a couple of other things too. All vehicles shown on this website are offered for sale by licensed motor vehicle dealers, unless where otherwise noted.
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I wanted to know if used car dealership owners make good money because I want to open one after acquiring my business degree. I know it depends on the dealership but I was thinking a typical decent sized dealership with around 30 cars. Also I wanted to know what kind of hours I would be working as an owner and how stressful and basically anything and everything you may know about it. A broking could in easy terms supply you a low-ball volume by using fact they might desire to instruct around and sell it to make a earnings. Trending News.
Used Car Sales
There are many ways that a car dealership makes their money. They make a large chunk of their money from selling cars. All Rights Reserved. The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Multiply. Hottest Questions. Previously Viewed. Unanswered Questions.
Used Car Sales
All recommendations are based foremost upon a good faith belief that the product, service, or site will benefit car buyers. It even costs more to turn the lights on every day. Model Reviews. But wait, there’s more! This should be the first step you take when negotiating your car price.
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