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What makes more money apple or microsoft

what makes more money apple or microsoft

Moving forward, however, Microsoft realized that paid software is a more difficult sell in an age of low-cost alternatives. Instead it was personified by small changes the company nonetheless hopes will inspire customers to part with hard-earned dollars for an almost identical device and user experience. Its stock price languished, inching up 3 percent in the decade through the end of It is difficult to recall a modern American business so thoroughly dominated by the ideas and personality of one individual as Apple was under the tutelage of Steve Jobs. Compare Investment Accounts.

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The chief executive of Microsoft, Steve Ballmer, yesterday brushed off news that it had been overtaken by Apple, saying his company would remain more profitable what makes more money apple or microsoft its US rival. At the close of trade on the Nasdaq exchange in New York on Wednesday, Apple’s market capitalisation surpassed that of Microsoft for the first time. Apple’s shares fell by 0. Mr Ballmer was bullish in his response, saying: «I will make more profits and certainly there is no technology company in the planet which is as profitable as we are. The chief executive was in the Indian capital, New Delhi, to talk about Microsoft’s development of cloud computing — whereby shared resources, software and information are provided to computers and other devices on demand, like an electricity grid. However, questions focused on the rivalry between Microsoft and Apple — and what some have called a shift in the technology industry’s power base.

Microsoft more profitable than Apple at $1 trillion milestone

what makes more money apple or microsoft
If we talk about biggest tech giants in the world, then Apple, Google, and Microsoft always take the top three spot. Here we are going to describe how does Apple, Google and Microsoft make billions of dollars. Well if we talk about biggest tech giants in the world, then Apple, Google, and Microsoft always take the top three spot. We all know that these companies make lots of money. However, have you ever wondered how they make so much of money? Well, these companies make billions of dollars through different digital products and services. This list is based on a recently shared report by Visual Capitalists Website.

It bet big on the cloud and won …

The chief executive of Microsoft, Steve Ballmer, yesterday brushed off news that it had been overtaken by Apple, saying his company would remain more profitable than its US rival. At the close of trade on the Nasdaq exchange in New York on Wednesday, Apple’s market capitalisation surpassed that of Microsoft for the first time.

Apple’s shares fell by 0. Mr Ballmer was bullish in his response, saying: what makes more money apple or microsoft will make more profits and certainly there is no technology company in the planet which is as profitable as we are.

The chief executive was in the Indian capital, New Delhi, ro talk about Microsoft’s development of cloud computing — whereby shared resources, software and information are provided to computers and other devices on demand, like an electricity grid.

However, questions focused on the rivalry between Microsoft and Apple — and what some have called a shift in the technology industry’s power base.

He said Microsoft was executing its strategy well, which would «lead to great products and great success». Mr Ballmer said cloud computing — a term for anything that involves delivering hosted services over the internet — would createjobs in India within five years. Later this year, Microsoft will begin selling its Windows Phone 7 series morr smartphones — unveiled in February — in direct competition with Apple’s iPhone.

Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard have also developed a tablet computer to rival Apple’s iPad, which is on sale in the UK from today. You can find our Community Guidelines in full. Want to discuss real-world problems, be involved in the most engaging discussions and hear from the journalists?

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Apple investors are worried about a slowdown in iPhone sales. It is difficult to recall a what makes more money apple or microsoft American business so thoroughly dominated by the ideas and personality of one individual as Apple was under the tutelage of Steve Jobs. Microsoft has nearly doubled its share of that market to 13 percent since the end ofaccording to the Synergy Research Group. While the race to be the biggest company by stock-market value is close today, Apple will need something disruptive in the coming four quarters to catch up in the long run. While Apple and Microsoft keep competing to find better and more innovative products to charge consumers, Google is all too happy to find a way to monetize activities for which users are eager to stop paying. Instead it was personified by small changes the company nonetheless hopes will inspire customers to part with hard-earned dollars for an almost identical device and user experience. While these numbers are closer than they have been in the past three months, there is no question that Microsoft is better positioned to remain on top.


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