Heck yeah. This was such an interesting read. There is plenty of stuff to go around and I wish more folks would choose to reuse vs buy new. Now imagine this… You go through books. Find unique pieces to sell. Well, let me first tell you a story. Check for Markings.
The Price of Gold
Why not make a little money while browsing thrift stores. Below you’ll find some tips on how and what to purchase that you can resell on your yold Craigslist or other local selling site. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has also been viewed 4, times. Categories: Making Money.
Thrift Store Flipping Tips
Having met with business owners both locally and internationally, I bring fresh ideas to help you generate more income. The price of gold is always in the news sometimes, it’s soaring and at other times plummeting. Like most people, you might be asking yourself if you should sell some while it’s high to get the best price or if you should invest in gold just in case it goes higher. If you want to earn a good income, now is the time to buy gold. I don’t mean buying from jewelry stores, I am referring to buying from the public.
1. Create a Workspace.
Why not can you make money selling gold from thrifting a little money while browsing thrift stores. Below you’ll find some tips on how and what to purchase that you can resell on your trom Craigslist or other local selling site. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has also been viewed 4, times. Categories: Making Money. Log in Facebook Loading Google Loading Civic Loading No account yet?
Create an account. Edit this Article. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Article Edit. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Author Info Updated: June 2, Learn more Research what thrift stores are in your area. If you already enjoy thrifting, you’ll know where to shop. Spend some time on your local Craiglist and other local selling websites to see what’s selling. You can also look on Etsy, eBay, and Amazon but your local sites will be the best indicator as to what prices are like.
Decide what you’ll be on the look out for and pick your specialty. Hit the stores! Start shopping on a day when you’re not rushed and have the time to browse. Pick up different items and research the shape that your item is in before anything. There’s no use in getting your heart set on something only to discover that its about to break. When items are donated, they are generally checked for holes in the case of clothes or broken pieces a wooden dresser or it should be marked accordingly.
Do some on site research with your smart phone. For an example, this article uses finding a dresser. Are there any markings in the wood? Google the. Do all the drawers move smoothly? To make an easy flip, the better shape its in, the less repair work you will tthrifting to. What is the price? Are you able to make any money if you list sellong on your local Craigslist site?
Consider the time you’re going to put into it too — taking it home, storing it, possible meeting with potential buyers, delivery? Check for insect damage too; people won’t buy furniture with borers inside.
Purchase the item. If you think you can make some money on it, buy it. Make sure you have the ability to get it home, such as a frmo or SUV, if needed. If you need to pay to take it home, this decreases or even wipes out your profit margin. Take pictures of your item and always take more than one.
What did you look at when you just bought it? You looked in the drawers to see if they were clean. You checked the top surface for fold. Take pictures of the item in your home vs. Post the ad online.
Make sure you post it in the correct category and that you have a catchy headline. Post measurements if needed and keep your description simple and to the point. Be truthful when selling. If someone asks ‘how long you’ve had something’ there’s no need to make up a story that your grandma has had the dresser for the last 30 years. There’s no shame in buying and reselling from thrift stores and you’d be surprised how many people do it! Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered.
Already answered Not a question Bad question Other. Tips Become an expert in a category you’re passionate. There can be a lot of money in flipping furniture so learn some buzzwords and gols to look for when thrifting. Learn how to tell the difference in real wood versus particle board.
Learn what dovetail lined drawers are, and the difference between the types of woods. Take a tape measure with you. In the case of buying furniture, you’ll need to know what will be able to fit in your car and how much storage room you have at home. Make the decision if you’re going to invite people into your home to sell the item, or if you’re going to meet them in a public place like a mall makf lot or deliver it directly to.
Create a new email address to do your selling. No need to bog down your personal email address if reselling is going to before frequent. There’s also the anonymity in selling so your personal email address isn’t advertised to the world. Warnings Be careful of scammers on the local selling sites. Sometimes they’ll ask you to ship and item and they’ll ‘wire’ the money to you at a later date.
If it sounds fishy, it usually is. Be safe when meeting up with someone to sell your items. Take a friend with selllng. Meet outside your home whenever possible.
Take your phone with you. If you ever feel uncomfortable, walk away from the sale. Related wikiHows. Did this article help you? Yes No. Cookies make wikiHow better. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy.
Co-authors: 7. Updated: June 2, Related Articles.
More Money Hacks
Depending on the space, you may have to get creative. He shows people how they can take control of their life, make their own money, and mojey their own boss. IRA vs. However, that’s not how some people see shopping at thrift stores, especially if you are purchasing items because you plan on thrift store reselling. I listed frpm on eBay, Mercari and Poshmark to make sure it got in front of as many eyes as possible at least eyes that look for designer brands resold online. And, it can be an interesting way to make extra money.
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