The guys of storage wars do it too. Also years of clothing swaps, and giving away to friends and the needy. For the most part, buying a t-shirt at Goodwill or Salvation Army to resell it isn’t going to negatively impact anyone — thrift stores have plenty of everything. I love this question because it is really a lot less than people think. I complete agree with the author. The resale industry is big business. There are several apps I highly suggest in my eBook.
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One of the niche pursuits that I have tried out in the past in selling used clothes online. I saw an opportunity and took it! I suppose it all started as I was looking through eBay one day and was surprised to see that used clothes were selling quite. I had never really considered this. In particular, make money selling goodwill name brand or higher end clothes were selling very. The reason for this is because this is the way I was raised large family with hand-me-downs. Plus being in business, I also know that the EXACT same material is used to make the cheap goodwilll as is used to make the designer stuff.
How long was it before you were generating a full-time income?
Financial Lifestyle Success. Every morning millions of people wake up and stumble to their kitchen to get their first cup of coffee of the day. If you came here looking for a way to start a home based coffee business read to the end because I have included one of my favorite business models that you may be interested in trying. Before getting started, lets take a look at some facts about coffee and how much is consumed. You will get an idea of how big the market is and the potential to make money selling coffee.
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One of the niche pursuits that I have tried out in the past in selling used clothes online. I saw an opportunity and took it! I suppose it all started as I was looking through eBay one day and was surprised to see that used clothes were selling quite. I had never really considered this. In particular, any name brand or higher end clothes were selling very. The reason for this is because this is the way I was raised large family with hand-me-downs.
Plus being in business, I also know that the EXACT same material is used to make the cheap clothes as is used to make the designer stuff. So, when someone pays more, they are not get a better quality product, they are getting a tag with a brand name on it. Essentially, perception is reality for people. Even though name brand clothes are made out of same material as cheap clothes, people perceive they are getting better value due to the brand name…even though they are not. There really are lots of places like flea markets, garage sales, Craigslistor other people or community sales.
However, my main source was Thrift Stores. Second hand stores like Goodwill or Salvation Army are constantly getting a new supply of clothes donated to. You can often find name brand or designer labels on these racks. The great part is that these Thrift stores are not in business of trying to appraise what everything is worth, they are just trying to move the merchandise as quickly as possible. As a result, they usually price everything right around the. It will vary from store to store, but everything is usually pretty cheap.
However, its pretty rare to find something of this value. Good luck getting that through your mixture of stocks and bonds. However, as I quickly learned, the key to being successful in selling used clothes is knowing what will sell before you buy it.
This can be a very difficult task because there are literally hundreds of brands. Also, some brands tend to do well with women and others do well with men. So, you really have to do your homework. I was able to write down 20 or 30 brands or so that I should keep an eye out. So, when I went to the thrift shop, I smuggled in my list of name brands and starting hunting through the racks. As I recall, I could have purchased a lot more than I did, but I think I ended up with 7 or 8 articles of clothing on my first trip.
This would give me a good idea of this stuff would sell. Link Whisper is a revolutionary tool that makes internal linking much faster, easier, and more effective. You can use Link Whisper to:.
Build better internal links with Link Whisper. So, I went home and started taking pictures of the clothes. After that, I simply listed them up on eBay and waited for the bids to come. One important thing that I did was to make the minimum price the profit margin that I needed. Used clothes is not something that is going to start a bidding war unless they are vintage or collectible for some reason.
Out of the 8 articles of clothing that I first listed, I think 4 sold right away. The others I had to re-list to get any bidders. Its unrealistic to think that all of your merchandise will be sold; especially, when you are first getting started. I really think that I could have done better the more I learned and worked out a business.
However, I learned enough to know that there really is potential in selling used clothes online. However, if you really want to make decent profits selling used clothes, you will probably need to open a retail location. If you can get a store front and sell used designer or vintage clothing to customers in person, you can easily double the price that you would charge on eBay. In addition, when you can touch and try on a pair of jeans, you are more likely to buy it as.
So, if you are looking for some side income perhaps you should try buying and selling used clothes online. Then if you get good at it, you can open up a retail location and really increase make money selling goodwill profits.
It used to be that eBay was by far the best place for buying and selling clothes online. Now, there are a couple more places you can try. I would recommend trying out the best one or two and then mastering those before moving.
The best two places to sell clothes online are eBay and Amazon. Both allow you to list your products, set your price point, and get your stuff out to buyers.
Amazon even has an area now where you can create and sell your own brand of clothes. What do you think? Is selling used clothes online in otherwise a viable small business option?
Is it something you want to see me try out and document on this blog? By Spencer Haws July 01, 55 Comments. Clothes definitely sell well on Ebay, but my experience has shown that 1. The overall effort to obtain and list and then ship all items just outweighs the net profit and 2.
Shipping can be a killer if you do not get a good quote before hand. Pants can weigh alot and cost a good amount to ship. And this just adds to the work involved. Ernie — I agree that it is a lot of effort and perhaps there are better business ideas okay definitely there are. However, I totally agree that shipping can be a killer here as items can be quite expensive. The best option for selling used clothes is having a retail location.
But getting started online could be a great way for someone to get started before they make the step of renting a retail space. Hello I think. Try Dresm. Just make sure you charge the right amount for shipping. After working 14 years in high end fashion in NY and Europe, I can tell you, your statement is not correct. These factories most of the time are small artisan places, were they have been doing this for generations, they received the pieces already cut from the bigger factories.
This entire process provides food for hundreds of families worlwide. Also, this process provides many green projects and develop communities to save endangered species, for example vicuna in Peru, where all the incentives, money, tech support, ect has been providing from high end fashion houses at a blind check pretty much, considering you can only sheer a vicuna every 5 years.
There are many examples like this one. I know this first hand, when somebody that I do not know ask me where is my jacket. In the begining I was not able to understand why anybody will invest such amount, then later I realized that they are looking for something to impact their lives in a positive way and honestly why not? Again, I can tell you hands down that most of the times the material used is not the same material as used in cheap clothes.
This was stuck in the spam queue for a few days…sorry! Thanks for the comment. Either way, I still think selling used designer clothes is a viable business opportunity.
I appreciate the feedback. Off course is a great business. To get to these sale, prety much you have to live close to NY City and get into the list, ususally to be subscribed in their websites as cient.
How do you know that the exact same material is used to make cheap clothing as to make more expensive clothing? I sell used clothing and i know fabric, i can see and feel cheap fabric and I know it is cheap. I do not see it with expensive labels. Good Idea. If you get into that more, a tool called Terapeak would be a huge help. It lets you look at ebay sales data going back several months… so you know exactly what sells, what the sell through rate is, the avg starting price, avg sale price, best day to start your listing.
They also have an iphone app so you can access the data on the go- in the thrift stores. Just a tip. Awesome suggestion Travis! Would be great to have when checking out garage sales, flea markets, thrift stores. I actually did this for a while and made alot of money but i went at it a differnet way. How would you source the wholesale company to buy from? Is this something pretty easy to do? Yep, I agree that it takes a lot of time; however, most offline businesses take a lot of time.
And this could really spark some ideas for someone looking for extra cash with learning affiliate marketing. Anyway, thanks for sharing your experiences! I think ecommerce is great. Do you mean specifically for selling clothes? I think its also a good option if you can build some sort of niche or brand community.
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Thrifting Goodwill For Junk to Sell on Amazon and Ebay — Making Money Like a Boss!
1. Design the Shirt
There are apps, like I mentioned before, that will help you find these sales, and even map them out for you in the most efficient route. Surprisingly, a lot of our belongings were rejected because they had too much stuff or too many of a specific item. This is like anything else; you get out of it what you put into it. Hit at least three thrifts this week and make money selling goodwill sepling what you found! About Money Aelling. Check out BoardgameGeek. The condition and the design of the base can both determine how much you’re able to charge. Get our newsletter and get access to the freebie:. Do you have any additional tips to share? Pants can weigh alot and cost a good amount to ship. Reselling books on Amazon is a big topic for another day, but here are a few quick tips: Don’t waste your time scanning fiction. Gap tops etc etc. Please tell me about your background and how you started in flipping business for extra income. She’s on a mission to help job seekers ditch their daily commute in favor of telecommuting. I bought a used tshirts for 8 bukcs whereas its real value was 29 bucks. Having an efficient schedule can play a crucial role in your success.
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