Born to a wealthy Puritan family in Northampton , England, Bradstreet was a well-read scholar especially affected by the works of Du Bartas. The Bradstreet family moved several times over the next two decades. Thomas Kean Jr. Throughout my life, I have heard of many instances where writers do not get recognized for their works until after they have passed on. Wikisource has original works written by or about: Anne Bradstreet.
Anne Bradstreet was the monney woman to be recognized as an accomplished New World Poet. Bradstreet’s work has endured, and she is still considered to be one of the most important early American poets. Although Anne Dudley Bradstreet did not attend school, she received an excellent education from her father, who was widely read— Cotton Mather described Thomas Dudley as a «devourer of books»—and from her extensive reading in the well-stocked library of the estate of the Earl of Lincoln, where she lived while her father was steward from to In general, she benefited from the Elizabethan tradition that valued female education. In about —the date is not certain—Anne Dudley married Simon Bradstreet, who assisted her father with the management of the Earl’s estate in Sempringham.
Bradstreet, Anne Dudley
Known for: Anne Bradstreet was America’s first published poet. She’s also known, through her writings, for her intimate view of life in early Puritan New England. In her poems, women are quite capable of reason, even while Anne Bradstreet largely accepts the traditional and Puritan assumptions about gender roles. Her father was a clerk and served as steward estate manager for the Earl of Lincoln’s estate in Sempsingham. Anne was privately educated, and read extensively from the Earl’s library.
The Author to Her Book by Anne Bradstreet
Bradstreet is also known for using her poetry as a means to question her own Puritan beliefs; her doubt concerning God’s mercy and her struggles to continue to place her faith in him are exemplified in such poems as «Verses upon the Burning of our House» and «In Memory of My Dear Grandchild». However, in opposition to her Puritan ways, she also shows her human side, expressing the pain this event had caused her, that is, until the poem comes to its end:. John Winthrop, F. She turns to heaven, something greater than herself, for his reward: Thy love is such I can no way repay; The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray. Notify me of new posts via email.
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